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Mali Halac

Ph.D. student in Bioengineering @Harvard
I design neural interfaces :)

Books I've Read

Chronologically arranged list of books I've read or listened. The books listed below are the ones I enjoyed; otherwise, I wouldn't have finished them.

    Read in 2024

  1. • Retour à Reims by Didier Eribon (2009) **

  2. Retour à Reims de Didier Eribon est une réflexion sur l'identité, la classe sociale et l'appartenance. À travers son retour dans sa ville natale, Eribon explore les tensions entre son milieu ouvrier d'origine et sa vie d'intellectuel. Ce livre mêle autobiographie et analyse sociologique, offrant un regard éclairant sur la manière dont nos origines façonnent nos identités.

  3. • Sevgili Arsız Ölüm by Latife Tekin (1983) *

  4. Geleneksel Türk kültüründeki hurafeleri bir bir insanın gözüne soka soka hikayeleştirerek anlatan bir roman.

  5. • The Island of Missing Trees by Elif Shafak (2021) ****

  6. A story of love, loss, and identity, set against the backdrop of Cyprus's turbulent history. The story follows two generations, weaving together the experiences of a young couple—one Greek Cypriot and the other Turkish Cypriot—whose love is tested by the island's political turmoil. Central to the narrative is a fig tree, which serves as a unique narrator and witness to the characters' lives, symbolizing memory, resilience, and the interconnectedness of nature and human experience.

  7. • Zeytindağı by Falih Rıfkı Atay (1932) *****

  8. Yıllar süren, bitmek bilmeyen savaşlar boyunca harap olan bir memleketin, bitap düşen Anadolu insanının kahramanlıklarını, çaresizliğini, unutulmuşluğunu dile getiriyor bu kitap. Falih Rıfkı'nın Cemal Paşa'nın yaveri olduğu zamanlarda aldığı notların derlemelerinden, anılarından oluşuyor. Sulh zamanı unutulup anca harp vakti hatırlanan Anadolu halkının Yemen'de, Gazze'de, Kanal'da, Aden'de ve Arap çöllerinde nasıl kırıldığını anlatıyor. Falih Rıfkı'nın kaleminden: "Bizden Belgrad'ı aldıkları zaman, düşman delegeleri Niş kasabasını da istemişlerdi. Osmanlı delegesi ayağa kalkarak: - Ne hacet, dedi. İstanbul'u da size verelim. Babalarımız için Niş, İstanbul'a o kadar yakındı. Biz eğer Vardar'ı, Trablus'u, Girit'i ve Medine'yi bırakırsak, Türk milleti yaşayamaz sanıyorduk. Çocuklarımızın Avrupası Marmara ve Meriç'te bitiyor."

    Read in 2023

  9. • What is life? by Erwin Schrödinger (1944) **

  10. The book revolves around the fundamental question "What is life?". Schrödinger contemplates, 'How can the events in space and time which take place within the spatial boundary of a living organism be accounted for by physics and chemistry?' This book represents an early, theoretical exploration in the field of molecular biology. While the science presented may seem elementary, there's a captivating element in tracing the historical journey of these scientific investigations. Schrödinger's work provides an intriguing glimpse into the foundational questions and thought processes that have shaped modern biology.

  11. • Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World by Jack Weatherford (2004) ****

  12. An exploration into the life and legacy of one of history's most influential figures, Genghis Khan. This book presents a reevaluation of Genghis Khan's role not as a ruthless barbarian, but as a visionary leader who shaped the modern world by establishing innovative governance, legal systems, religious freedom, and a global economy.

  13. • Nowhere to Be Found by Bae Suah (2015) *

  14. The book delves into the journey of a derealized protagonist who disconnects from self, loses focus, and passes through life as if nothing is real or makes sense. The book addresses cultural expectations, unsupportive family dynamics, and the impact of poverty on the lead character's perspective.

  15. • The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides (2019) ****

  16. Alicia Berenson is a celebrated artist whose life takes a haunting turn when she inexplicably shoots her husband, never uttering another word. Confined to a psychiatric unit, her art skyrockets in value, while a relentless psychotherapist endeavors to uncover the truth behind this enigmatic case.

  17. • Yapıştırma Bıyık by Salâh Birsel (2014) *****

  18. Uzun süreli bir ayrılıktan sonra, beni Türk Edebiyatı'na döndüren kitaptır Yapıştırma Bıyık. Kitap ne ile ilgili derseniz, betimlemesi zor. Her şeyle ilgili, bir düşünce yazısı, bir deneme. Yazarın sanat aşkına şahit olduğunuz, kültürel birikimiyle sevdalara dalıp sözcük hokkabazlığına hayran kaldığınız bir başyapıt. Kitabı okuyunca anlıyorsunuz yazarlık işinin bir yapıştırma bıyık olmadığını.

  19. • The Three Body Problem by Cixin Liu (2018) *****

  20. An extraordinary journey that intertwines the enigma of scientists taking their own lives, a covert military endeavor, and the gripping encounter with extraterrestrial beings. Within the pages of this remarkable masterpiece, Cixin Liu weaves a tapestry of a vast interstellar conflict, immersing readers in a meticulously crafted fictional universe that melds compelling scientific principles with a heart-pounding series of political, social, cultural, and scientific upheavals. As you delve into this captivating tale, prepare to be captivated by a thrilling fusion of plausible science and enthralling narrative.

  21. • Vagabond, Vols 1-5 by Takehiko Inoue (1998) **

  22. This Japanese martial arts manga series illustrates the life of a Japanese swordsman, Musashi Miyamoto. The manga depicts his exemplary dedication and focus to become the best swordsmaster in the country.

  23. • An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir Of Moods and Madness by Kay Redfield Jamison (1995) ****

  24. A captivating autobiography penned by Kay Redfield Jamison, a renowned clinical psychologist and leading researcher in her field. Sharing her personal journey, Jamison courageously chronicles her battle with bipolar disorder, shedding light on the profound effects it has had on her life. Delving into the depths of her experiences, she also explores the efficacy of lithium treatment. While her privileged background may limit the generalizability of her experiences, the book offers invaluable insights into the intricate workings of a mind grappling with bipolar disorder.

    Read in 2022

  25. • The Order of Time by Carlo Rovelli (2017) ****

  26. In this thought-provoking book, Rovelli explores the elusive nature of time, delving into its profound existence and ubiquitous presence in our understanding of the universe. Through his insightful exploration, Rovelli expertly addresses the fundamental questions surrounding time, offering thought-provoking insights that illuminate our perception of this enigmatic concept.

  27. • This Is How You Lose The Time War by Max Gladstone (2019) **

  28. Red and Blue. Two agents of enemy states travelling through time to change the events in their favor. One day Red discovers a letter that says "Burn before reading." Thus, we witness the start of Red and Blue's relationship--rivalry, friendship, and love.

  29. • Vacation Stories by Santiago Ramón y Cajal (2006) *****

  30. Five short sci-fi stories authored by one of the pioneers of modern neuroscience, Santiago Ramón y Cajal. This remarkable book serves as a reminder, echoing the sentiments of my dear mentor Michka Sharpe, that scientific inquiry and discovery are not at the expense of creative pursuits but rather are inextricably linked paths.

  31. • The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins (1976) *****

  32. • Foundation by Isaac Asimov (1951) *

  33. • Midnight at the Pera Palace by Charles King (2015) ***

  34. • The Tale Of The Unknown Island by José Saramago (1997) **

  35. Read in 2021

  36. • Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang (2002) *****

  37. • Zen Mind Beginner's Mind by Shunryu Suzuki (1970) ***

  38. • The Science of Love by Robin Dunbar (2012) *

  39. Read in 2020

  40. • The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams (1979) *****

  41. • The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert A. Heinlein (1966) *****

  42. • Why I left Goldman Sachs? by Greg Smith (2012) *****

  43. • Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson (2011) ****

  44. • Contagious: Why Things Catch On? by Jonah Berger (2013) *****

  45. Read in 2019

  46. • Elon Musk by Ashlee Vance (2015) ***

  47. • Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain (2012) *

  48. • Call Me By Your Name by André Aciman (2007) ****

  49. • The Blind Owl by Sadegh Hedayat (1936) *****

  50. • Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche (1883) ****

  51. • Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams by Matthew Walker (2017) ***